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Why you need to start mace training, today!

Mace training is an easy and hugely beneficial add to your home gym routine, here's why.

Posted on June 28, 2022

Training with a mace isn't something from the middle ages, it's a modern and well-developed method to enhance or even replace your workout program.

7 Reasons to Never Skip Leg Day Again

You could be making a huge mistake by skipping leg day.

Posted on June 10, 2022

You could be making a huge mistake by skipping leg day. We’ll show you 7 crazy reasons why you should never skip leg day again.

Overcoming Strength Training Plateaus

Stuck on the same weight with your lifts? You might have hit a strength training plateau. But not to worry, we’re here to help you break through it.

Posted on May 17, 2022

Seeing your progress stall doesn’t have to be permanent. Make your strength training plateau a distant memory with these 5 tips.

Suicide Grip Bench Press: Friend or Foe?

Bench and dumbbell pressing efficiencies are clear, but at what cost?

Posted on May 13, 2022

Is this controversial grip best for your bench? Let’s run down the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself.

Overhead Pressing

How to Choose Between Standing and Seated Overhead Press

Posted on May 06, 2022

The overhead press, like many exercises, can be easily modified to target full-body or specific muscles. Here you'll learn how to choose the correct OHP for your workout and goals.

The Ultimate Lean Bulking Diet Guide

You’ll need a lean bulking diet to build muscle and fill out the way you want to. We’ll show you how to make that happen.

Posted on April 21, 2022

Tired of feeling scrawny and wish you could put on some muscle? If you’re looking to fill out your t-shirt arm sleeves or make your booty pop in a new pair of jeans, then it might be time for you to start a lean bulking diet.

How to Lean Out and Have a Successful Summer Cut

It’ll be pool season before you know it. Here’s what you can do to be ready.

Posted on April 19, 2022

Learn how to create a sustainable weight-cutting diet so you can slim down, trim off the extra fat, and reveal those washboard abs you spent all winter building up in the gym.

5 Lower Back Exercises to Improve Your Weight Training

Level Up Your Lower Back Training and Watch Your Strength and Injury-Resistance Skyrocket!

Posted on April 04, 2022

When was the last time you got a sick lower back pump? Never? Well, you’re not alone. The idea of training the lower back in isolation is still pretty underground. But if you’re not doing at least some isolated lower back training, you’re missing out on all kinds of performance and back health benefits.

What is bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding isn’t just a competitive sport. You can be a bodybuilder too! Learn all about the basics and what it takes to transform your body.

Posted on March 09, 2022

Bodybuilding isn’t just a competitive sport. You can be a bodybuilder too! Learn all about the basics and what it takes to transform your body.

Weight Vest Workouts

Weight vest workouts can bring your fitness to the next level; plus, we've included a 1 day vest training program.

Posted on March 03, 2022

Weighted vests are underrated. Many people are under the impression that weighted vests are only useful when preparing for some sort of military selection, as it helps to mimic the equipment you’ll be carrying out on the field. Whilst they absolutely can be used for that, weighted vests have lots of utility not only for regular resistance training but also to aid fat loss.

Why You Need to Start Strength Training Now

Make a Life Change and Give Strength Training a Try

Posted on January 26, 2022

Looking to lose a few pounds? You want a makeover from the inside out—one where you achieve the body you want and create a happier, more confident version of yourself. Strength training can help you do that and a whole lot more!

Gluteal Development for Functional Performance

Advanced glute dev with workout program.

Posted on January 07, 2022

Learn from two of the top names in bodybuilding competition and training how to develop your glutes like a pro. Andre Adams and Dr. Sunny Andrews provide an in-depth look and a one-day workout to kick start your training.

How to Recover After a Workout

Learn how you can reduce muscle soreness and bounce back faster from your training sessions.

Posted on December 29, 2021

How to recover after a workout: reduce muscle soreness, recover faster, and stay on track with your fitness goals using ice baths and more.

You Need a Strong Upper Back

Why building a bigger back will help build your entire body.

Posted on December 15, 2021

With your upper back training, you can expect better squats, benches, and deadlifts from here on out.

The Truth About Cheat Days

Dispel the noise around Cheat Days and have a plan for the holidays.

Posted on November 24, 2021

When it comes to non-linear dietary approaches, we have a few options: Refeeds, Diet Breaks, Cheat Days

Nutrition Series: Meal Planning & Prep, Part 1

Learn the importance and how-to's of meal planning.

Posted on November 05, 2021

Time to put all of our basic nutrition to work where the “rubber meets the road” and talk about meal planning.

How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Scale Not Budging? Here Are 10 Foolproof Ways on How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Posted on October 27, 2021

Struggling with how to break through a weight loss plateau? Here are 10 ways to get you back to losing weight again!

SAID Principle

How to Leverage Progressive Overloading for Muscular Development

Posted on October 20, 2021

How to Leverage Progressive Overloading for Muscular Development

Top Workouts When You’re Short on Time

HIIT, Tabata, and EMOM are three quick workouts that can help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.

Posted on September 15, 2021

Pressed for time? Does fitting a workout in seem impossible? Here are 3 quick workouts you can squeeze into your busy schedule to maximize calorie burn!

Intermittent Fasting

Is a diet that offers superior weight loss, better muscle retention... too good to be true?

Posted on September 08, 2021

Proponents of Intermittent Fasting will claim superior weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, decreased cancer risk, neuroprotective effects, improved glucose metabolism and lengthened life span as benefits of fasting.

Warming Up For Lifting Using Calisthenics Exercises

Calisthenics exercises are great preparation for heavy lifts later in training.

Posted on August 26, 2021

The most commonly practiced form of calisthenics, often used to supplement other forms of training such as Crossfit and weightlifting.

Nutrition Series, Part 2: Fluids

Explore the importance, and often overlooked benefits of proper hydration for your health and fitness goals.

Posted on August 11, 2021

Staying appropriately hydrated will help you reach your health and fitness goals and should be a priority, not an after-thought.

Top 10 dumbbell leg workouts

Friends don’t let friends skip leg day. Why? Because your friends don’t want you to have a massive torso with chicken legs.

Posted on July 08, 2021

Here's our top 10 dumbbell leg workouts to help you start off on the right foot and make your leg day much more interesting.

Open-Kinetic Chain vs Closed-Kinetic Chain Exercise for Bodybuilding

Demystify the hype around kinetic chain training.

Posted on July 07, 2021

Ever wonder what all the hype is around open or closed kinetic chain training? If you follow some of the top fitness influencers on social media, you have probably heard these technical buzz words dropped at some point.

Nutrition Series, Part 1

Macros and Micros

Posted on June 02, 2021

A mixture of the intake of foods will provide your body with a variety of nutrients and calories from all of our macronutrient sources as well as an assortment of micronutrients. Food is our fuel and can be enjoyed while still meeting our health and fitness goals.

How To Prepare a Space for The Perfect Home Gym

What size and style of gym do your goals require?

Posted on May 29, 2021

Finding a perfect place for your home gym equipment can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to best select and prepare your area.

Summer Pump Workout Guide

Posted on May 27, 2021

As the days get longer and the weather gets hotter, you might find yourself spending more time without a shirt on. Here’s how you can get the pump you need to get you through the beach day feeling confident and cool.

Building your chest with dumbbells at home

Maximize Results With Minimal Equipment

Posted on May 19, 2021

Building muscle is more about how much you’re willing to put into your workout and less about the machines that will help you do it. A lack of machines should not stop you from having the solid pecs you want. You can still get them with dumbbells–it’s just a matter of know-how.

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